Watch this space for great Palm Games

(I guess you're already an expert at Whack.

If not, it's in the main download.)

We are currently developing games like this:

Doing, the time tracker:
  • IR Footie: is a game for two players each of which need a Palm computer and two fingers. They run aroud the virtual pitch by scratching backwards on the palm screen with their two fingers alternately in a running motion, turn by running diagonally, kick the ball by sweeping forwards over it with one finger, and can block by standing in the ball's path whilst keeping goal for instance. When the other player is nearby, skillful tackling and fouls can take place, and sometimes players just fall over. The game can beam itself to partners who don't have it installed yet, and a full licence entitles you to play with anybody. Players are ranked according to the ranks of players they have beaten. When no partner is within IR sight you can practice with the ball alone, and when you are not practicing somebody else is practicing to kick your ass, so sign up now to be among the first to get IR Footie.

  • IR Duel: Free infra-red shootout game. The skill is in making and breaking IR contact. Extra weapons and shields available to accomplished players.
  • IR Dogfight: 2 player infra-red arial combat game. Scroll buttons control throttle, thumb on graffiti area simulates joystick.
  • IR Roadrace: 2 player infra-red driving game. As above but with take-off problems

All stone-age-software's IR games will be beamable and a licence will entitle you to play with anybody.

If you want to be one of the first to get practicing your IR skills, sign up for notification of the release.

In the mean time, you could check out the finished products.

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